Birth place: Hartford, CT
Death place: Hartford
Addresses: NYC, 1947; Weston, VT, 1973
Profession: Printmaker, painter
Studied: Hartford Art School; ASL; also with Carlos Merida, Mexico.
Exhibited: S. Indp. A., 1940; Nat. Serigraph Soc., 1940-60; Am. Color Print Soc. Ann., 1945-65; Northwest Printmakers Ann., 1950-60; U.S. Info Agency Int. Circulating Exhib., 1952; Boston Printmakers Ann., 1955-70; nationally in print exhibs., since 1941; Doris Meltzer Gal., NYC, 1970s. Awards: first prize for prints, Springfield Art Lg., 1933, 1934, 1945; Northwest Printmakers, 1944, 1946; purchase prize, Boston Printmakers, 1954; first prize, Nat. Serigraph Soc., 1959.
Member: Springfield Art Lg.; Nat. Ser. Soc. (pres., 1952-53); Am. Artists Cong.; Artist Union of Western MA (pres., 1934-38); Am. Color Print Soc.; Boston Printmakers; Print Council Am.; Phila. Print Cl.
Work: Springfield Mus. FA; Smith College; PMA; Cornell; Wesleyan Univ.; AGAA; SFMA; CI; LOC; U.S. State Dept.; Albright Art Gal.; PAFA; Honolulu Acad. Art; Berkshire Mus.; SAM; Mt. Holyoke Col.; Florida State Col.; MMA; Phila. Pr. Cl.; AAUW; Berkeley Board Educ.; Trade Sch., Springfield, MA; Bibliothèque Nat., Paris; MMA; SFMA; Nat. Mus., Stockholm.
Comments: Auth./illus.: Picture Framing. Editor: Serigraph Quarterly.